Blue Mountains II

After checkout we hopped on our trolley bus to Leura Cascade. As a whole hour had passed since breakfast we had to sit down for a picnic. After a bit of hasty munching and running away from the wasps we did a bit of exploring. The cascades were a 20 minute walk away and what with all the time already spent and the time between buses being just an hour we had to turn back from the path pretty soon (though Lucas had time to fall down and get his new tracksuit bottom full of mud).

Next stop Echo Point. Apparently a few decades ago you could hear an echo here, but no more. "Global warming or something" said our driver. From here you get a view of the Three Sisters, 3 tall columns of rock which don't seem to look like such a big deal but everybody bangs on about them so much I took loads of photos just in case. Had another picnic and got on the bus again.

The last stop was a real treat for the kids: Scenic World. A super-steep (52°) train (inspired by the old mining carts, the first scenic train was called Mountain Devil), a cable car, and a skyway (basically a horizontal cable car across a gorge). We were planning on just going down to the walkway (free) and using the train to come back up, but it was a long (40 mins), steep stairway so it made more sense to get the unlimited pass as it cost less than a return ride. That way we got to go on all three, and we even had time to repeat the train (which was the coolest).

We just had time to catch the bus to the station while I ran to the hostel for the rucksack and food. Aisha had a siesta on the train and we all got back in time for dinner, followed by a dose of lice cream for all.

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